Quitting a 6-figure Job for Landscape Photography
After 15 years in tech/software, I’m leaving it all behind for landscape photography.
I’ve never been much for labels, so I’m not too concerned with what to call this new adventure I’ve set out on here in 2021.
What I do know is that I’ve been ready for a new chapter in my life for a few years now, feeling a growing internal discontentment with the pursuit of… what exactly? Ideas, tech, startups, money, etc?
As my wife and I have made an effort to spend more time outdoors, camping, hiking, and adventuring, I’ve felt an increasingly strong pull to do even more of those things along with focusing time on improving my photography.
Finally, towards the end of 2020, I was at a crossroads with my tech career. From my perspective, it was a decision between choosing to give 100% to a job that wasn’t really giving 100% back to me (even though very well paid) or taking a big financial risk to put my happiness, mental, and physical health first. In the end, the decision was easy.
So, here I am now in February of 2021… starting my second month as a full-time landscape photographer and video creator and I’m absolutely loving it. Obviously, there is still a very long way to go to get to a point where this will be sustainable, but I’m happy with the progress I’ve made so far.
You’re here because the images in my ad looked interesting enough to click on. Thank you! I hope you’re also interested enough to stick around and follow me on this journey. Here’s how you can stay in the loop:
Thank you in advance to everyone who chooses to support me in some way!
Finally, I want to give a huge shoutout and thank you to my amazing wife, Rocio. She is so incredibly supportive and I certainly could not pursue this new chapter without her.